Sunday, May 25, 2014

Here We Go

On to my next adventure...stay tuned for Freezer Meal Workshops!... So as many may know I love freezer cooking and teaching others! My freezer meal journey started a few years ago. I was living in Dayton and working in Columbus (and attending school, I know crazy right). So I would double dinner, we would eat one and freeze the other. A few months later I saw the post on Pinterest about Freezer Meal Swaps/ Co-ops. So I started one up with three awesome ladies. We each would make five of the same meal and bring them once a month to exchange (we donated the extra ones to ministry or a family in need). In the older post you can read all about that. We exchanged meals for a year and then due to schedules we had to dissolve the group. But freezer meals never left the scene for us. I started doing once a month cooking making 15 to 20 meals all in one day. I attended a Dinner Done Night by a Pampered Chef friend. It was lots of fun. I considered starting selling pampered chef or wildtree, but I really just love to teach freezer meals so after hosting a freezer meal workshop for my sister to celebrate her new baby, my family convinced me that I should put my self out there and teach others what I love!

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