Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Extra Notes, Tips and Resources for Freezer Cooking

How long to keep your frozen meals
  • soup- 4-5 months
  • cooked meats- 2-3 months
  • casseroles- 3-4 months
To Freeze or Not To Freeze
  • The good news is that you can freeze almost anything! Just about everything we eat for dinner freezes well for lunch and many of the meals I make for the co-op were meals that I was already making for my family.
  • mayonnaise (use salad dressing instead)
  • big chunks of potatoes (use small pieces or potatoes from the freezer section)
  • fried food (will become soggy)
  • large amounts of sour cream (will become runny) (small amounts okay, or add later)
Other Ways to Save- Maybe a Group is not right for you… you can still freeze and save!
  • Making a double batch of one of your favorite meals and freeze it for another day
  •  Making burritos, freezing them on a cookie sheet and once they are frozen, stick them in a freezer bag for a quick lunch you can pull out one by one and microwave.
  •  Making a big batch of spaghetti sauce and freeze it into meal size portions. When you want to use it you just have to cook the noodles and reheat the sauce.
Resources for Instructions, Recipes and Other Helpful Tips
OR just Google search Freezer Meal Recipes…You will get tons more!!

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